Texas Governor Rick Perry is teasing the media and the public again with signs that he’s gonna think about running for the GOP Presidential nomination. Maybe. He’s got other stuff to do, so he's just too busy to really think about it right now, but he's thinking about thinking about throwing his hat in the ring.
Off-His-Rocker Gun Lover Ted Nugent with the Guv |
He’s sure playing hard-to-get...although in Texas, it's more of a case of "hard-to-want".
Personally, I just don't think he's gonna get the nomination, despite the hype and hoopla. Once folks learn that Perry wouldn’t even carry Texas Republicans, even the GOP should think twice. (Or at least once, which for them would be 100% improvement.
So what's the problem with Perry? Well, maybe it's partly because he's done his best to stack the Texas State Board of Education with Flat-Earthers who don't believe in evolution, much less separation of church and state.
Is this shit really gonna fly with the rest of the country? | | |
serious about getting Darwin
out of public schools and Jesus back
No way, no believer in science is Gov Goodhair. |
Do you know about Perry's Abortion Sonogram Bill, now official State law in the Reich-that-was-Texas?
Perry proudly signed his bill on May 24th, 2011, requiring doctors to tell a woman the size of her fetus' limbs and organs, even if she does not want to know. The law also forces physicians to make an image of the fetus
and the sound of its heartbeat (if audible) available to a woman before she is allowed to undergo the abortion procedure.
More specifically, any woman planning to terminate her pregnancy must first undergo a State of Texas mandated, totally gratuitous internal ultrasound exam at least 24 hrs before the abortion can be performed.
Relax! It's just Gov. Goodhair & the Lege probing your insides...it's the LAW! |
What's involved in an internal ultrasound? A long wand is inserted into the vagina to scan inside the pelvis using ultrasound waves. There is ZERO medical reason to do this before a routine abortion; it's meant as both an obstacle and as punishment, but twisted by the Right-to-Lifers into so-called "informed consent".
This wildly un-American, brutally anti-female bill, supported by one of Perry's favorite special interest groups, the Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission, flies in the face of standard medical ethics. A pregnant woman seeking to terminate her pregnancy obviously understands there's a fertilized embryo, which is a potential fetus, which is in turn a potential baby, inside her uterus. That's precisely why she's seeking to abort, to prevent having to carry a pregnancy to term.
A blastocyst, obviously NOT a "baby". |
....THIS is a baby. |
But Perry and his base, religious extremists and Right-to-Lifers, lack the clarity to discern any difference between a blastocyst and a baby. If you study the science on a basic level, the distinction between an embryo and a baby isn't really all that nuanced...
Blastocyst...... |
Baby! (see the difference?) |
Is an acorn literally a mighty oak tree? Obviously NOT.
Acorns..... |
...oak tree. [See the difference?] |
The Human Embryophiles seem to lose interest quickly if it grows into an actual baby and gets born; once it's out and breathing, Mom and the kid are on their own, as far as Rick Perry and company are concerned.

Starting on September 1st [until this bill is inevitably repealed by the Supreme Court!], doctors must show and orally describe in detail everything seen on the state-ordered sonogram to any woman considering an abortion, describing all external and internal fetal body parts and organs visible, while showing them on a monitor and making the heartbeat audible (assuming they can find it).
Only after all that is done is the patient then sent home "to think about what she's planning to do" for at least 24 hours before she's allowed to terminate her pregnancy. I wouldn't be surprised if they toss in an amendment to require that she sit in the corner while she thinks about her sin and then go to bed without any supper.
(Patronizing much?) |
That's the kind of world Rick Perry says God wants him to create. How on Earth would we ever get along without these self-appointed proxies for God? How would God?
Nostalgic for Bush Era, Yee-Ha-as-Foreign-Policy? |
Maybe that's why, in a University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll done this month, only 4% of Texas Republicans say they'd vote for Gov. Goodhair for President. Note that we're not talking about ALL Texans, just GOP voters.
Texas Republicans' picks from the sparkling field of potential candidates |
[He doesn't believe in evolution either...much less reproductive freedom!] |
Ron Paul is the top Texan GOP candidate, polling at 10% among registered voters planning to vote in the Republican primary.
"OMG, I am SO popular!!! " |
The poll has Sarah Palin sort of* leading the field with a lukewarm 12%,
followed by Newt Gingrich in 2nd place with 11%,
(Yeah, baby, I'm running!) |
........then non-candidate Mike Huckabee,
Ron Paul, and unspecified "other" tied for 3rd.
Michele Bachmann & Mitt Romney tie for 4th with 7% each,
and Donald Trump follows with 6%.
Trailing the pack are Pawlenty....
......and Rick Perry, with 4% each
and finally Rick Santorum with 3%, Mitch Daniels
and former Jon Huntsman with 1% each.
Do I want even more attention? You betcha! |
*I said Sarah Palin only "sort of" leads the field with her 12%, because 14% "don't know", aka "none of the above"!
If the Republicans in the state that Rick Perry's been governing since Dec. of 2000 DON'T think he'd make a good President, why would anyone else?
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